You don't like that you are
feeling "your age".You can't keep up with your kids and/or grandkids like you want to be able to.
Busy life has you
feeling tired all the time.You're struggling with issues like
past injuries, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes or frustrating mid-life weight gain.You're noticing that you're out of breath just going up the stairs.
One-size-fits all exercise classes
just don't seem to fit YOU.Typical gyms full of 20 year olds taking "selfies" make you feel awkward and out-of-place.
Your health concerns or past injuries make you nervous to exercise since you're scared to hurt yourself.The things you "used" to do to get back in shape simply
aren't working anymore.
You're doctor is telling you to get moving... but
you don't know where to start.You feel like your muscle has turned into flab and you don't feel as strong as you want to.
Your body and health is starting to hold you back from doing things that you love to do...